This week I finished my problem set 3 parts. The hardest part of this set was the setup required for some of the extrusions. A lot of making guidelines and deducing lengths from angles and angles from lengths. Thank god for Inventor's auto snapping tools, made it a lot simpler. Wouldn't have wanted to do trigonomic equations between every click.
This week I finished my problem set 3 orthographic. I decided to make an orthographic of the safety key, as it seemed the simplest. As parts get more complex, labeling drawings get drastically harder. The main sources of difficulty are ensuring that no measurements are missing and that the drawings follow the guidelines. It was actually impossible to follow all guidelines perfectly, so you have to compromise on what is the most readable.
This week I finished the individual parts for the problem set 4 assembly. The hardest part was the axle support. The axle supports hold the axle in place with enough space for it to rotate. The shape of part of it is really hard to make since you have to find a line tangent to a circle. This wasn't clear on the orthographic and it took me a while to figure out
This week I finished all of the parts for the set 5. They were quite simple, being made of 1x1x1 inch cubes. However, some difficulty came from having to use the final cube design to inference some of the block shapes. Later I will have to make my own puzzle cube from scratch. I will make it more complicated to introduce more of a challenge.
This week I finished problem set 5's assembly. It was definitely harder than the set 4 assembly. Personally I feel like it was more difficult because pf the increased number of parts. I learned how to work with the presentation view to make a gif of it being assembled and dissasembled. I stiched these two videos together to create a cool animation.
This week I started on architecture drawing. I finished the first chapter of the book and the first quiz. It was mainly about architecture styles. It was quite difficult finding the specific parts of the book it was referencing. I ended up getting a 13//15 on it.